Safe School Climate

The Safe School Climate Committee is responsible for developing and fostering a safe school climate and addressing issues relating to bullying in the school. The GPS definition of “school climate” means the quality and character of school life with a particular focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community between and among students and adults.
We embed our District norms in all aspects of our school life:
- Be here,
- Be Honest,
- Be Safe,
- Care for Self and Others,
- Let Go and Move On.
Cos Cob School recognizes the four foundational pillars of a safe school climate and the twelve dimensions of school climate created by the National School Climate Center. These are:
1. Safety:
a. Rules and Norms
b. Sense of Physical Security
c. Sense of Social-Emotional Security
2. Teaching and Learning:
a. Support for Learning
b. Social and Civic Learning
3. Interpersonal Relationships:
a. Respect for Diversity
b. Social support-adults
c. Social Support-students
d. Leadership
e. Professional Relationships
4. Environment-External:
a. School Connectedness/Engagement
b. Physical Surroundings